Gender design
objet en polypropylène irisé, rétroprojeté
juin 2010
Objet pour uriner debout.
Imaginer une autre manière de se tenir en dépit des conventions. Inscrire cette posture dans un objet. A la fois résultante d’un mouvement et transformateur de mouvements, il vient souligner la dimension culturelle de tout objet technique.
Gender design est un objet plié manuellement en polypropylène irisé, transparent; il tient dans la main. Retroprojeté en grand au mur, il prend une autre dimension, devient le plan d’un mobilier, d’une architecture, une peau animale…
Cet objet n’est pas une prothèse. Il donne une visibilité à une autre “technique du corps”. C’est un objet de projection dans tous les sens du terme.
Gender design
iridescent, retroprojected plastic object
june 2010
I made an object to stand, literally, differently. It is a folded plastic object, iridescent, transparent, which can be held in a hand.
I folded this object in a hundred copies which I gave to those who were there when I show it. Projected on the wall, it seemed like the plan of furniture, architecture, as an animal skin …
In a note read or written, I attributed to this object a function: it is an object that allows women (those that when they were girls, had taught to drop the pants and urinate sitting) to stand up to urinate. This was the starting point for its construction: imagine an another way to hold a position and make an object. I called it gender design.
Making this object, it was to highlight the cultural and social implications of any object, any technology. This object is not a prosthesis. It is an object that gives visibility to another « technical body ».